January 6

Please Be Kind, use Commas!

We began 2021 with a mini-lesson on the importance of commas.  Did you know that commas can save lives?  My students came up with some funny sentences to show you why commas are necessary.  Enjoy reading them and try to come up with some of your own.

Can we cook dad?  vs  Can we cook, dad?

Should I Attack Zach?  vs  Should I Attack, Zach?

I love cooking Grandpa!  vs.  I love cooking, Grandpa!

I love eating football and my family.  vs.  I love eating, football and my family.

Let’s go to the park and eat mom.  vs.  Let’s go to the park and eat, mom. 

We are going to learn how to cut and paste kids.  vs.  We are going to learn how to cut and paste, kids.

We should go to eat mom.  vs.  We should go to eat, mom.

My dogs’ names are Bella Vega and Sky.  vs.  My dogs’ names are Bella, Vega, and Sky.

Today we are going to bake kids!  vs.  Today we are going to bake, kids!

Can we please go eat dad?  vs.  Can we please go eat, dad?

Let’s go stampede Brock.  vs.  Let’s go stampede, Brock.


December 20

Practice Run for 100 Word Stories

We took the first semester to practice our creative writing skills and got a hang on how to keep stories concise.  This is truly a challenge but so much fun to do.  We’re sharing a few of our 100-word stories with you, please let us know what you think.  We’ll be ready to participate with other students around the world in January 2021.

Happy Reading! 

Image writing prompt for Cannon

Cannon By Cate

On Saturday in St.Augustine Florida, these men are about to do a demonstration of the cannons going off. They are very scared because it is their first time doing it. They are newbies. When the demonstration starts they launch the cannon great. Then when it comes to putting the cannon away that is a whole different story. These men were not very strong. They could not move it, so they had to push it all together. They then go the cannon back safely to the spot. Later that night they went out to dinner. They recapped on that one crazy day.


The Missing Shoes By Ashley

I was getting ready for school and putting my shoes on when suddenly, they were gone! I ran around looking everywhere, but not even my mom could find them. She told me to just grab a different pair but those were my best pair. I couldn’t stand not having them. I realized that we had no time left, but mom promised to look for them later. When I came home that day, she had a mad look on her face. She had told me they were on my shelf, but I didn’t remember putting them on there, so that is exactly what I told her.


A 100 Word Story By K.A.

It was the first day of school for Tim, and his bus was going to be there in five minutes. When he got on the bus, he was sitting all alone until someone named Johnathan came to sit with him. At the end of the day, Johnathan and Tim had become very close, and Tim wanted Johnathan to come over. Once the boys arrived at Tim’s house, they wanted to build something. They started building a rocketship, and there were a lot of parts they needed, but there was one item they didn’t have and then they forgot another part. They thought it was going to be fine, but the rocketship ended up blowing up. At the end, Johnathan said “Tim you forgot to put it on.”







December 10

Book Trailers

After working on an independent reading project, students created book trailers for the novels.  They used a variety of digital tools to create their trailers.  We hope you enjoy watching some of them and hope you choose to read some of the books.















September 20

Coming Soon…..

Pardon our dust, we are getting our content ready to showcase soon.  In the meantime, click on our next two pages to learn more about our class blog page.